Thursday, January 11, 2007

Red Octane Not Giving Up on Wireless 360 Guitar



Two Wired News reporters caught up with a Red Octane employee on the CES show floor today, and found out that the Guitar Hero publisher hasn't yet given up on the dream of a wireless guitar controller for the Xbox 360.

Currently, the game features a wired controller. But what we're hearing is that -- contrary to the official PR line -- it's red tape issues with Microsoft that's holding up the wireless, and they're hoping to work it out before the game's March release. And if they can't, says our source, they might push forward with an unlicensed peripheral just like they did with PlayStation 2.

Nyko will release an unlicensed wireless Xbox 360 controller this year, so we know it's possible.

Source: Red Octane Not Giving Up on Wireless 360 Guitar
Originally published on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 23:17:36 GMT

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