I really had high hopes for Dead Rising. After playing the demo over and over againI was treated to a game that, after a little refining, would have turned into a great wayto waste quite a few hours. I kept telling my wife that I wanted the game everytime thead came on TV and she suprised me last night by picking it up. (Yes, I have that kind of Wife.. hehe)I've come to know capcom over the years normally they are quality games. Even if the game itself has been crap, the quality of production was still there... until Dead Rising. Now, now I'm just PISSED and Capcom is going to know the wraith of the gamers for releaseing a product that had NO right in getting out the door.I'm not even talking about the loose controls, the 'horrible' save game system, bad character animation, bad 'downgrade' of the text on non HD TV's, or really anything else about a game that I would normally go off about.What's Dead Rising, biggest problem? The game crashed (grade 3 lock up) the 360... MORE THEN ONCE. (A grade 3 lock up is when all the hardware freezes, and the only way to gain control again is my a power cycle. )It's a LITTLE hard to play a game when it randomly lockes up your 360. Tack that on to a bad save system you've got something totally unplayable. It's annoying as hell to be playing for 15 to 20 mins fighting your way though the hoards of Zombies, ONLY to have the game freeze before you can save and, since there are no way points, you are FORCED to lose ALL that time, experiance, tools, and missions. Why in the hell would Capcom release a game that wasn't finished? I want to send it back to them and say 'FIX IT'. I was worried that this will turn into a trend for publishers. Since the 360 has LIVE and a hard drive, and we all know there's a patching system.. Why should they worry about it? With Windows games they can release a game unfinished and then justsend patches. But getting a PC Windows style of crash when you are playing a console is totally bull shit.